We are now looking at how we can combine charts in one canvas in altair R. This section on how to combine charts, is based on the View Composition article.

First, we are discussing a layered chart example. Each chart can be made separately and combined uisng the + operator: chart_layer_1 + chart_layer_2. Below, we make a chart that consists of a line layer and a point layer. The tooltip should be added to the top layer so that it is visible in the final chart.

chart_disasters_L1 = alt$Chart("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-datasets/master/data/disasters.csv")$
    x = 'Year:O',
    y = 'Deaths:Q'
    alt$FieldEqualPredicate(field = "Entity", equal = "All natural disasters")
    height = 400,
    width = 600

chart_disasters_L2 = alt$Chart("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-datasets/master/data/disasters.csv")$
    x = 'Year:O',
    y = 'Deaths:Q',
    tooltip = "Deaths:Q"
    alt$FieldEqualPredicate(field = "Entity", equal = "All natural disasters")
    height = 400,
    width = 600

chart_disasters = (chart_disasters_L1 + chart_disasters_L2)

To produce the same chart we may also follow the procedure below. Use the R code provided above for chart_disasters_L2 and then make the first layer using:

chart_disasters_L1 = chart_disasters_L2$mark_line()

Then superimpose the charts as before:

chart_disasters = (chart_disasters_L1 + chart_disasters_L2)

Exercise - Make a layered chart, which consists of one layer for the bar mark and one for the text mark, to produce the chart below.